Majority Engagement

I think my writing matters as a moderator or intermediary. It's important to build awareness and care among the general public. The majority of people would care if they were given the opportunity or knowledge. Or, even if they still wouldn't care, they would at least avoid being discriminatory. 

One of the big problems today is how rapidly issues can get blown out of proportion. Keyboard warriors and clinically online bigots are extremely loud in public Internet space, and it's easy for people to read their words and assume they hold a majority opinion. This is not the case. Most Americans aren't worried about or scared of trans people. It's just a very small subset of incredibly bigoted people making their views knowns through Twitter's messed-up algorithm. 

But it is because these people are so loud that the truth of the majority is drowned out. I believe that sparking a conversation among the Average Joe is a correct next step. At the very least, making the majority aware that they are being misrepresented in viral media is important. 

I'm writing for myself, but I'm also writing to address the issues I see. And there is a clear problem with engagement. So much of online space exists as an echo chamber, and this sort of mutually-assured, regurgitated viewpoint hinders one's growth into a well-rounded individual. We need to make others aware of the issues at hand, so that they do not get lost in the like-minded sauce of their own continuously repeated and reflected thoughts. 


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